Hazard Perception Test

Hazard Perception Test

The Hazard Perception Test (HPT) is an online computerised test that measures a person's ability to detect and respond to potentially dangerous situations on the road. Research shows the value of HPT in predicting subsequent crash risk, including some evidence that found those drivers who failed HPT at least twice were more likely to be involved in a crash compared to those who passed on their first attempt.

The practice test allows you to attempt examples that are like the actual HPT. This will give you some practice on what to look out for in the test, as well as get a feel for how the test functions.

You are required to have held your ACT Learner Licence for at least 3 months before attempting the HPT. The first attempt of the test will be free, but all further attempts will have a $27.90 fee that needs to be paid before the test. Please make sure you have a stable internet connection before attempting the test. Use the practice test to check the test is functioning correctly on your device.


Who is required to do the test?

The Hazard Perception Test must be successfully completed by all ACT Learner Licence holders who were issued with or renewed their learner licence after 1 January 2020 before they can upgrade to an ACT Provisional Licence.

What do I require to do the test?

The test can be performed online at any time from three months after you obtain your ACT Learner Licence. You will need to enter your name and ACT Learner Licence number.

Can I do the test on my mobile?

The bigger the screen you are using, the easier it will be to see the hazards. Make sure you do the practice test first to check if it works well on your chosen device. If you get part way through the real test and find you can't see, you can switch to another device within 10 minutes and keep going.

How many videos are in the test?

In the Hazard Perception Test, you'll watch 25 videos that are about 15 seconds each.

How long is the test?

The test should take about 20-30 minutes to complete. The test will time out if it is inactive for 10 minutes, which will count as a failed attempt, so make sure you can complete the test without interruption.

Will I get my results after the test?

Yes. You will be taken to a completion certificate which you can print if you want a copy. There is no need to bring the certificate with you when applying for your ACT Provisional Licence.

What do I do after passing the test?

You will need to complete the required tenure on your licence as well as the required hours in the logbook. You then need to either complete the Government Practical Driving Assessment, or the Competency Based Training and Assessment before being issued with your ACT Provisional Licence. For further information please visit act.gov.au/safeplates

I've failed the HPT, what happens now ?

If it is your first attempt, you'll be locked out of attempting another HPT for 24 hours and you'll need to pay for your next attempt. It is suggested that you use this time to;
- Practice the scenarios again
- Have some more supervised drives
- Have a professional lesson

I've failed the HPT a second time, what happens now?

You'll be locked out of any further attempts for three days and you'll need to pay for your next attempt. It is suggested that you use this time to;
- Practice the scenarios again
- Have some more supervised drives
- Have a professional lesson

What do I do if I have a technical issue when I try to complete the test?

For any problems completing the test call 132281.